IMG_20181031_101412_319The most difficult stories to tell are the ones that make an impact

It has been a bit of a difficult time for me. I have not had the spirit to write anything for my blog in a while. Actually I have been feeling like this for a while now. Ever since we did the short stories project; I say we because you are part and parcel of each of my blog posts. You are the reason I sit down and think this would be a good story.

The pain of not being able to write is not easy especially if you know you have a story in your head. You have it from the moment your alarm rings at 7:15 AM. You check your messages; read the paper not the actual paper though (the digital version of it).

After going through the stories that peek your interests then you finally muster the energy to leave your bed. You carry everything that you need to write the story you have been rumbling about in your head and bam you open your Microsoft Word and boom the story has no start or end.

You try to type but you find yourself typing the same sentence twice then thrice then four times (because the English people just cannot let us say fice) and finally you give up on that story. Not because you want to or it is not interesting but because it is just not coming out the way you want.

That stories that are hard to write are the stories that make the most impact that is what I believe. Me taking the decision to share a certain part of my life because oh well I cannot share everything with you because some of you will stalk me. It has been a roller coaster I have to admit I have gotten into some trouble with some of you for what I’ve said here, I have made new friends from my work and most definitely I have been able to grow as a writer. I never thought I could write things which aren’t newsy and get people to actually read, but you read and for that I am eternally grateful.

In case you are wondering why I am writing like this will be my last blog it won’t be the last trust me I am gonna be here for a while. After all we are not going anywhere. I JUST WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU.

Picture today is taken by Peter Omosa (awesome guy by the way)

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